Friday, 19 February 2016

Recovery Day

Day 6

Having done intensity yesterday, we did a recovery ski today, which for Kendra and I lasted around an hour and a half. When we started it was pretty socked in and cloudy, but by the end the clouds had lifted and the beautiful mountains were revealed! It is truly gorgeous around Seefeld! :)

Since we did not need to meet somewhere for a specific workout, we took the opportunity to further explore the trails a bit. Along with a few other skiers we climbed for about 40 minutes up to the top of the trails, where we had driven for intensity! Even though it wasn't  particularly sunny, it was still well worth the climb:) Despite almost falling on my face a couple times due to the klister, the ski down was super fun!
Kenny taking a 'long' cut on the way up
Halfway up!
At the bottom, but you can see the mountain!
All done :)

 In the afternoon we took a short walk downtown to be tourists for a bit, checked out a couple stores, our favourite definitely being the truffle shop! ;) We met a man on the street who had noticed our Canada jackets and was very keen to talk to us... Only problem was he spoke only German and we couldn't really understand what he was saying. Slight language barrier... He eventually found someone who could translate so he could ask his question! He really wanted to know what sport we did. All adds to the amazing Austrian experience  :) Later we packed up our skis and duffels, enjoyed our last 4 course dinner at the hotel and hit the road to stay the night in Munich before the flight to Bucharest. Visiting Seefeld, Austria was wonderful and we will definitely miss the incredible skiing! At the same time, I can't help looking forward to Romania and the new adventures it will bring:)

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